ORB SLAM2 Setup Guidance
This tutorial will help you in setting up the ORB SLAM2 on SBC. We will start with the installation procedure for the stereo mode and then we will discuss the changes required in the stereo camera’s yaml configuration file. Since the ORB SLAM2 code doesn’t publish pose output, we have added a separate section which explains how to add the ROS publisher support for the stereo mode.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation for stereo mode
- Setting up yaml configuration file
- Adding ROS publisher support for the stereo mode
- References
ORB-SLAM2 is a SLAM library for Monocular and Stereo cameras that computes the camera trajectory and a sparse 3D reconstruction. It is a feature-based SLAM method which has three major components: tracking, local mapping and loop closing. This link nicely explains all the components of ORB SLAM2 technique in detail. Also, it briefly discusses the different part of ORB SLAM2 code and explains how changing the different parameters in different modules like local mapping, loop-closure, ORBextractor, etc. will affect the performance of ORB SLAM2.
Installation for stereo mode
ORB-SLAM2 has multiple dependencies on other ROS libraries which includes Pangolin, OpenCV, Eigen3, DBoW2, and g2o. Pangolin library is used for the visualization and user interface.OpenCV is used for image manipulation and feature extraction. Eigen3 library is used for performing mathematical operations on the Matrices. Finally, DBoW2 is an improved version of the DBow library, for indexing and converting images into a bag-of-word representation. It implements a hierarchical tree for approximating nearest neighbors in the image feature space and creates a visual vocabulary. It also implements an image database with inverted and direct files to index images and enables quick queries and feature comparisons. G2o is C++ library for optimizing graph-based nonlinear error functions. This helps in solving the global BA problem in ORB-SLAM2.
Now we will discuss the installation steps, First, clone the below repository:
git clone https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2.git ORB_SLAM2
Then execute following set of commands to build the library:
chmod +x build.sh
Even after installing above dependencies, if you face compilation error related to boost system, you need to install boost libraries and set the path to where you installed it in the makefile. This path should have the include/ and lib/ folders with header files and compiled .so binaries.
To build the stereo node, add the path including Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2 to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable. Replace PATH by the folder where you cloned ORB_SLAM2 and then execute the build_ros script.
chmod +x build_ros.sh
For a stereo input from topic /camera/left/image_raw and /camera/right/image_raw, we need to remap the left and right camera frame output to the ORB-SLAM2 input ROS topic. A sample roslaunch doing the ROS topic remapping is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<node name="ORB_SLAM2" pkg="ORB_SLAM2" type="Stereo" output="screen" args="/home/administrator/ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /home/administrator/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/Stereo/zed.yaml true">
<remap from="/camera/left/image_raw" to="/left/image_raw_color"/>
<remap from="/camera/right/image_raw" to="/right/image_raw_color"/>
roslaunch ORB_SLAM2 <launch_file>
Above launch file also runs the ORB_SLAM2/Stereo node. You will need to provide the vocabulary file and a yaml settings file to run the Stereo node. Just use the same Vocabulary file because it’s taken from a huge set of data and works pretty good. All the popular stereo cameras like ZED, Intel Realsense, Asus Xtion Pro provides the pre-rectified images. So, if you are using one of those cameras, you don’t need to provide rectification matrices else you need to add rectification matrices in the yaml configuration file (sample matrices are shown in next section).
Setting up yaml configuration file
As mentioned in the previous section that the Stereo node command takes a yaml configuration file as input. This yaml configuration file includes the stereo camera calibration parameters, ORB parameters, rectification matrices if the images are not pre-rectified.
Below is a sample yaml file settings for our calibrated stereo camera (ZED). Camera calibration and distortion parameters can be found from the intrinsic calibration matrix. Other parameters like width, height, fps depend on the resolution of your camera.
# Camera calibration and distortion parameters (OpenCV)
Camera.fx: 435.2046959714599
Camera.fy: 435.2046959714599
Camera.cx: 367.4517211914062
Camera.cy: 252.2008514404297
Camera.k1: 0.0
Camera.k2: 0.0
Camera.p1: 0.0
Camera.p2: 0.0
Camera.width: 640
Camera.height: 480
# Camera frames per second
Camera.fps: 20.0
# stereo baseline times fx
Camera.bf: 47.90639384423901
# Color order of the images (0: BGR, 1: RGB. It is ignored if images are grayscale)
Camera.RGB: 1
# Close/Far threshold. Baseline times.
ThDepth: 35
When number of features in the environment is less, the keyframes will not get initialized and system will not go in SLAM/Localization mode. So, tweak below parameters to improve the performance of the ORB SLAM2.
# ORB Parameters
# ORB Extractor: Number of features per image
ORBextractor.nFeatures: 1200
# ORB Extractor: Scale factor between levels in the scale pyramid
ORBextractor.scaleFactor: 1.2
# ORB Extractor: Number of levels in the scale pyramid
ORBextractor.nLevels: 8
# ORB Extractor: Fast threshold
# Image is divided in a grid. At each cell FAST are extracted imposing a minimum response.
# Firstly we impose iniThFAST. If no corners are detected we impose a lower value minThFAST
# You can lower these values if your images have low contrast
ORBextractor.iniThFAST: 20
ORBextractor.minThFAST: 7
Below is the sample of rectification matrices.
# Stereo Rectification. Only if you need to pre-rectify the images.
# Camera.fx, .fy, etc must be the same as in LEFT.P
# LEFT.height: 720
# LEFT.width: 1280
# LEFT.D: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 1
# cols: 5
# dt: d
# data:[-0.28340811, 0.07395907, 0.00019359, 1.76187114e-05, 0.0]
# LEFT.K: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 3
# cols: 3
# dt: d
# data: [458.654, 0.0, 367.215, 0.0, 457.296, 248.375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
# LEFT.R: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 3
# cols: 3
# dt: d
# data: [0.999966347530033, -0.001422739138722922, 0.008079580483432283, 0.001365741834644127, 0.9999741760894847, 0.007055629199258132, -0.008089410156878961, -0.007044357138835809, 0.9999424675829176]
# LEFT.P: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 3
# cols: 4
# dt: d
# data: [435.2046959714599, 0, 367.4517211914062, 0, 0, 435.2046959714599, 252.2008514404297, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
# RIGHT.height: 720
# RIGHT.width: 1280
# RIGHT.D: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 1
# cols: 5
# dt: d
# data:[-0.28368365, 0.07451284, -0.00010473, -3.555907e-05, 0.0]
# RIGHT.K: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 3
# cols: 3
# dt: d
# data: [457.587, 0.0, 379.999, 0.0, 456.134, 255.238, 0.0, 0.0, 1]
# RIGHT.R: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 3
# cols: 3
# dt: d
# data: [0.9999633526194376, -0.003625811871560086, 0.007755443660172947, 0.003680398547259526, 0.9999684752771629, -0.007035845251224894, -0.007729688520722713, 0.007064130529506649, 0.999945173484644]
# RIGHT.P: !!opencv-matrix
# rows: 3
# cols: 4
# dt: d
# data: [435.2046959714599, 0, 367.4517211914062, -47.90639384423901, 0, 435.2046959714599, 252.2008514404297, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
Adding ROS publisher support for the stereo mode
ROS interface for the ORB SLAM2 is present in the below folder. So, all the changes discussed here will be done in the ros_stereo.cc file.
Firstly, we need to add below header files for using geometric ROS messages (PoseStamped, Point) and the TransformBroadcaster. Two boolean variables are added in the ImageGrabber class for publishing pose and broadcasting transform.
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Point.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Quaternion.h>
#include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
#include <vector>
class ImageGrabber
ImageGrabber(ORB_SLAM2::System* pSLAM):mpSLAM(pSLAM){}
ORB_SLAM2::System* mpSLAM;
bool do_rectify, pub_tf, pub_pose;
cv::Mat M1l,M2l,M1r,M2r;
ros::Publisher* orb_pub;
void GrabStereo(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msgLeft,const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msgRight);
void SetPub(ros::Publisher* pub);
Below advertise() function returns a ros::Publisher object, which contains a publish() method that lets you publish geometric messages onto the “orb_pose” ROS topic and the function below initializes the ORB publisher.
ros::Publisher pose_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("orb_pose", 100);
void ImageGrabber::SetPub(ros::Publisher* pub)
orb_pub = pub;
Now, Rotation and Translation matrices (R_,t_) are initialized for storing the output pose. T_ stores the output pose from the ORB SLAM2.
cv::Mat T_,R_,t_;
T_ = mpSLAM->TrackStereo(cv_ptrLeft->image,cv_ptrRight->image,cv_ptrLeft->header.stamp.toSec());
if (T_.empty())
Now you can use ROS tf library to get the quaternion and position information from the transformation matrix. Then, these position elements and the rotation elements are set in the tf (transform).
if (pub_tf || pub_pose)
R_ = T_.rowRange(0,3).colRange(0,3).t();
t_ = -R_*T_.rowRange(0,3).col(3);
vector<float> q = ORB_SLAM2::Converter::toQuaternion(R_);
float scale_factor=1.0;
tf::Transform transform;
transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(t_.at<float>(0, 0)*scale_factor, t_.at<float>(0, 1)*scale_factor, t_.at<float>(0, 2)*scale_factor));
tf::Quaternion tf_quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
Below piece of code sends the transform with a TransformBroadcaster. In the first argument, we pass in the transform itself. In second argument, we need to give the transform being published a timestamp, we will just use the timestamp when the camera image is published. Then, we need to pass the name of the parent frame of the link we’re creating, in this case “world”. Finally, we need to pass the name of the child frame of the link we’re creating, in this case we have defined it as “ORB_SLAM2_STEREO”.
if (pub_tf)
static tf::TransformBroadcaster br_;
br_.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time(cv_ptrLeft->header.stamp.toSec()), "world", "ORB_SLAM2_STEREO"));
Below piece of code publishes the pose output. Here also we will use the timestamp when the camera image is published. We will define this frame as “ORB_SLAM2_STEREO”. Finally, we need to convert the pose transform to ROS pose message before publishing.
if (pub_pose)
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
pose.header.stamp = cv_ptrLeft->header.stamp;
pose.header.frame_id ="ORB_SLAM2_STEREO";
tf::poseTFToMsg(transform, pose.pose);
This is the official github repository of the ORB SLAM2.